Engagement der ENO Group



For us, success means more than just economic profit. We firmly believe that we must play an active role in order to develop our society positively.

That is why we are committed to supporting a large number of social projects and numerous (sports) clubs in our region.

Our commitment goes far beyond financial support – we are wholeheartedly committed to a better future and together we are strong in social engagement.

Discover how we can bring about sustainable change together.

Die ENO spendet Garmin-Fitnesstracker für das EGN.

Garmin fitness tracker EGM

ENO donates Garmin fitness trackers for the EGN.

Die ENO Group spendet 3.000 € an die Hospizhilfe Grafschaft Bentheim e. V.

Donation to the hospice

The ENO Group donates €3,000 to Hospizhilfe Grafschaft Bentheim e. V.

Die ENO Group spendet 3.000 € an die Nordhorner Tafel e. V.

Donation to the Nordhorn food bank

The ENO Group donates € 3,000 to Nordhorn Tafel e. V.

PingPongParkinson City-Walk

PingPongParkinson City-Walk

Expert donates the main prize with a Nintendo Switch.

Die erste Mannschaft der HSG Nordhorn-Lingen wird vom Expert Nordhorn unterstützt.

HSG Sponsoring

The first team of HSG Nordhorn-Lingen is supported by Expert Nordhorn.


We are absolutely convinced that companies should play an important role in protecting the environment and conserving resources. That is why we have made it our mission to offer high-quality, energy-efficient products that not only reduce your costs, but also have a positive impact on the environment. Our passion is not only for environmentally conscious products, but also for a sustainable service life.

One thing is certain: repairing is better than throwing away. That is why we offer an extended 3-year guarantee for our products. Our experienced team of qualified technicians takes care of defective devices to extend their service life. Together we can shape a sustainable future.

Take a look at how we can make the world a little greener together!

Verkauf gehört bei uns genauso zur Unternehmens-DNA wie das Reparieren. Unser Service- und Repaircenter bietet hier umfangreichen Support.

Repair instead of throwing away

Sales is just as much a part of our corporate DNA as repairing. Our service and repair center offers comprehensive support.

3-year guarantee

By extending the warranty to 3 years, we make the appliances more durable and thus protect the environment.

Die große Dachfläche unseres Firmengebäudes nutzen wir, um Strom zu erzeugen.

Solar power

We use the large roof area of our company building to generate electricity.